Experimental Learning - Introduction to Electronics
We conducted an experimental learning session for kids during the past three weeks on Basic Electronics and Programming.

Six students from Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2(Pondicherry University Campus) has participated in this session. Emphasis was given for understanding the fundamentals of Electronics. Five sessions have been conducted over the past three weeks.
Volunteers: Maniraj, Sindhuja and Sarath.
The following topics were covered:
- Analog and Digital Current,
- Basic Electronics(VIR),
- Open Source Development Platforms,
- Introduction to Programming,
- Working with Sensors,
- Human-Computer Interaction using I/O,
- Interfacing Sensors and Actuators

We built a Garduino(Autonomous Watering System for gardens) at the end of the session as a hobby project. We had a lot of learning during the session.
Thanks to Sindhuja for facilitating this activity.