FSHM Weekly - 27/01/19

This week's newsletter is a visual treat. We have a new podcast, signature, campaign, cats, telescope and discussions on the changes to IT Act.

FSHM Weekly - 27/01/19

This week's newsletter is a visual treat. We have a new podcast, signature, campaign, cats, telescope and discussions on the changes to IT Act.

Tamil podcast on the changes to IT Act, Surveillance and Digital Self Defence


We also have a dedicated page for our podcasts - https://blog.fshm.in/fshm-podcast/

Telescope over WiFi

Cosmobird, Arunekumar & Crakensio worked to stream footage from Telescope over WiFi using Raspberry Pi Zero. Normally it is impossible to capture photos by hand from a telescope as there is a lot of shake.

The camera looking at itself
Camera focused on a neighboring roof
Arunekumar making the camera attachment for the telescope
Finally a clear photo of the moon using the telescope

Please drop a message on our chat - https://riot.im/app/#/room/#fshm:matrix.org - to use the Telescope. We will update when we organize a dedicated night sky watch.

Listening to FM radio using PC

Pothosware at work

GQRX/Pothosware was the software used to listen to FM with RTL-SDR-2830 as the radio receiver by Cosmobird to listen to radio using the community PC.

Pasting posters for discussion at PU

An open discussion was to be held at PU on 29/01/19 . People from FSUG-PU - Noordine, Prabha, Jayanth put up posters for the discussion.

New poster below FSHM's old poster @ Pondicherry Univ
Discussion invitation
Under switch board @ Pondicherry University

Website ready for the open letter to IT Ministry

IT Ministry has requested public opinion on the draconic changes to Intermediaries guidelines. Kamal put together a website (now at https://www.fshm.in ) to accept support for an open letter. FSFTN & FSHM has been involved in writing the open letter and campaigning for support. People who have signed this open letter belong to a diverse group of institutions including Pondicherry University, PaavaiGLUG, VillupuramGLUG, FSMK, ILUGC, ICFOSS, SFI, AISF, DAKF, Swecha, FSCI, FSUG-TVM, IISc, Coopon Scitech.

Code for the website is available under AGPLv3 license at https://gitlab.com/fshm/ludus .

First iteration of the website
Poster put together by Cosmobird based on comics by Sidewalk Bubblegum & Aseem Trivedi
Final website
Tamil translation by Cosmobird

Cats of Freedom

The kittens at Maitri are growing up well. All of them have started running about 1

Poonguzhali and her kittens at Maitri
Exploring the bookshelf
Family photo

FSMK camp successfully completed

FSMK's technical camp ( https://camp.fsmk.org ) with parallel tracks on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Cloud Computing was successfully held from Jan 20 - Jan 24 at PES College of Eng., Mandya.

Camp's final photo

Discussion about IT Act, Surveillance @ Chennai GLUG

Chennai GLUG organized a discussion on State, Surveillance & Privacy ahead of the signature campaign opposing the new changes to IT Act by the IT Ministry.

Invitation poster
Caricature by Rajalakshmi based on comics by Sidewalk Bubblegum & Aseem Trivedi

Blender artwork by Srikrishna from Chennai GLUG

Srikrishna made a scene using Blender.